Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New device

For most people, getting a new device, whether it’s a phone, tablet or computer, there is always a challenge of getting it set up the way that you want it to be. Yes, thanks to modern technology it is a lot easy to move from one device to another if they are the same technology. I recently got a new tablet and given I stuck with the same manufacturer the transfer was easy, well except I tried to rush things along.

Yes, when you are doing the transfer from the old device to the new device, let the system do all the work and don’t try and do some of the stuff yourself until the transfer is complete, and the file organization is also done. On the new device, I got the message that the set-up was complete, so I opened the tablet and found that some of the app’s hadn’t come over. Well, little did I know that yes, the set-up was complete but the transfer of the apps and all the data hadn’t been completed. Of course, I should have known better, as I have done these transfers between devices before.

My new tablet is the Samsung S9 FE+ and I was moving from the Samsung S6 lite. Things are going to be different because the device with the case is heavier, but the biggest advantage is the screen is bigger. I haven’t tried using the new tablet much yet, but I am looking forward to being able to enjoy seeing things on the bigger screen. Of course, it is going to take a bit of time to like the bigger screen and the additional weight, but we will see how things go.

Lessons I learned again, this time getting a new device setup:

  • Make sure that you know all your passwords, as you are going to need them.
  • Let the transfer between devices happen without you trying to make it go faster.
  • If you mess up the transfer, you can always do a factory reset and start all over.
  • When the new device says it’s all set up that is just the first part of getting the device set up, be patient and let the systems communicate between each other and leave them alone for a while.

It is going to be nice having the bigger device sometimes because it means that I should be able to see more detail on the various things that I am working on. I do know that the old tablet isn’t going to be going very far away because it is still working with a few little issues, but maybe after a little while of using the new tablet, I will do a factory reset on the old tablet, and maybe I will start working better again.


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