Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Niagara Falls in the winter

 If you are thinking about travelling to Niagara Falls, Ontario in the winter, there are a few things that you should take into consideration when planning your trip. Niagara Falls, Ontario in the winter is so different from what it is like in the summer. Here are some things that you will need to know:

1.    Weather – the weather in Niagara Falls can change pretty quickly in the winter, as it can get quite a bit of snow in a very short amount of time. This area can get snow squalls, and you will also find that there is a wind-chill that you are going to have to take into consideration. If you are going to want to see the actual falls during the winter, be prepared to get wet from the mist, and it is going to be very cold.

2.    Attractions – if there are specific attractions you want to see, make sure you check to see if they are open all year round or just at specific times. Also, if they are open all year round, make sure you check the hours because that will certainly be different from the summer hours. Another thing to check is if the attractions are only open on specific days in the winter because the number of visitors is way down compared to the summer.

3.    Restaurants – if there are certain restaurants that you enjoy going to make sure that you have checked their hours and even check what days they are open because some will only be open during part of the week, usually Thursday – Sunday, when there are more visitors.

4.    Hotels – this one is to check for deals that you can possibly find because the prices of hotel rooms will be considerably cheaper during the winter than in the summer. Also, if you can travel during the week, the prices will be cheaper than weekends rates as well. If you are driving and will be parking a vehicle, make sure that you check the price of parking at the hotel because that can really vary. Some hotels may charge you $20 a night during the winter, and other's may cost you $80 a night even in the winter.

5.    Parking – if you are just visiting for a day, make sure you check around to see the price of parking because it can vary. Parking right at the Falls is going to be more expensive than if you decide to park a little further away and do a bit of walking.

Going to Niagara Falls in the winter can be very enjoyable, but you just need to be prepared for things being different than they are when there are more tourists visiting. So, if you are considering a visit to Niagara Falls in the winter, make sure you do your homework first to ensure that you get the experience that you want out of the trip.

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