Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Looking at things differently

So many of us get into a routine, and it doesn’t matter what happens, the routine is something that we stick to. Lately, I have been looking at my routine and trying to see if I can start to change things up a bit and do things a little differently. Sure, there are the things that I need to do and then there are the things that I would like to do and enjoy doing. So perhaps I can do better.

In some cases, a routine can result in your getting stuck in a rut and no matter what you try and do, things just don't seem to change. Of course, realizing that you are stuck in a rut, isn’t something that is going to be easy to realize. The rut can be a result of things happening around you that you don’t have any control over, but there are times that the things that are happening are because of something that you do.

Something that we all need to do from time to time is look at how we are doing things and why we are doing things and see if we can change it up. The other thing to look at is what we are doing. Yes, what we are doing and how long are we doing a specific thing can help shed light on a lot of things. If a task is taking you forever to complete, maybe, it’s time to look at the task and see why it seems so hard. Being able to look at the various tasks and figure them out is always a good idea because then you might be able to change up how you are doing that specific task.

Another way to look at things differently is to take a bit of a break and then look at the things you have been doing in the past. Yes, a break can be a day or two away from the standard routine and then when you get back to it, you may see things that you have been doing and don’t know why you have been doing them. Sometimes those things are tasks that have just become habit without any meaning behind them.

The idea of looking at things differently can seem like such a difficult thing to do, but it can help you regain a focus that has gone missing. Instead of just doing things because you have been doing them and figuring out the importance of those tasks can help a lot. Recently, I was looking at my list of things that I wanted to do and couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t moving things forward. Well, what I realized was I wasn’t moving things forward because I didn’t have some goals for these items.

So, looking at things differently can make a difference, and just giving yourself time to look at things can make a difference. For me, I have started to give myself small goals that I want to achieve, and I am feeling better about things now. Yes, I had to take that break away from my standard routine before I realized that I was just doing things a specific way and got myself into a rote that I didn’t see.

I am now looking at things differently, and I am happier with what I am working on and how I am working on things. Things seem a little clearer now, and I can focus on things that for a while, I couldn’t, and it is making me happy with the progress that I am seeing on things. So, remember it’s important to look at what you are doing and why you are doing things and maybe a bit of a change can make a big difference.

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