Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Taking a break

For a lot of people it’s taking a break means taking a holiday or vacation, but for other’s it is simply taking a couple of days when you can relax and not think about all the different demands that are impacting you all at once. When you are a small business owner, your priority is your clients and making sure that they are happy. After you have made sure that they are happy, you can then look at things and figure out when and how you are going to take that break that you need.

Something that you should always do as a small business owner is to ensure that you have someone that can fill in for you when you need to take that break away from the demands of work. It doesn’t have to be a long break, but even a day or two can make such a difference on how to you view your demands and how you are feeling about things.

A break doesn’t have to be going somewhere, it can simply be staying at home and letting the rest of the world think that you are miles away. Being able to spend the time away from the demands of work and spending some time at home enjoying the company of your family can make a big difference. There are times when you need to just spend a little bit of time away from all the other demands on our time because that is how you are going to recharge your own personal batteries.

When you say to someone that you are taking a break from work, they quite often think you are taking days away from the demands, but it can be simply a day or two where you are going to be spending the time doing something that you want to do and that you enjoy doing. It doesn’t have to be a long break but making sure that you can take a little bit of time away from the general demands of work life it very important. When you work for a larger organization, you have vacation time that if you don’t take it you lose it, so you need to ensure that even as a small business owner you need to ensure that you have taken some time as a vacation.

When you are a small business owner you aren’t going to be taking the long vacations that some of your friends take, but you need to ensure that you take those occasional days when you just don’t think of all the deadlines and demands that you must manage. Taking a day when you go and sit in a coffee shop and just relax and work on some of the things that you enjoy doing is also a good thing. Yes, some of those things might be work related but being able to ensure that you have taken that time when you don’t let all the work emails, or such get in the way is important.

So next time you think it’s time to take that bit of a break away from the demands of your job, I would say that it would be a good idea to just do that. A day when you do something you enjoy doing that isn’t work related can take a big difference. Maybe, even taking a lunch date with your spouse which you haven’t done for a while could help a lot so yes take a break and know that work is going to be there tomorrow and if they really need to get you, you are just a call away.

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