For a lot of small business owners, there are times when life seems to get crazy and there are too many things that are demanding our attention. Sure, there are things that you can make a note of and do later, but then there are the other things that all need your attention at the same time.
When there are just too many things that need my attention at the same time, I have a habit of just sitting back and making a list of everything that needs my attention, and then I try and figure out what is important and what can wait a little while. It is amazing how sometimes just making the list or even sitting and rethinking everything can make such a difference on how you are viewing everything. Being able to spend those few minutes looking at the tasks that need your attention can help you regain a focus that should have been easy to maintain, unless there are just too many things on that to-do list.
Being able to sit back and look at all the different things that you think need to get done and then figure out what is important and what can wait even for a couple of hours can make such a difference in how you manage everything. Making sure that you can put a list together of the different things that you need to do is important. In a lot of cases, even putting down those little things that normally only take a few minutes to do can help you see what has been getting in your way of getting things done.
Of course, there are going to be times when you don’t have the time to make that list or take that break to get things done but when that happens I normally have a piece of paper beside me where I can just write down those little things quickly so that I can make sure that I have captured a thought or sometimes else that needs my attention when I have those figure minutes. Having a method of capturing the thoughts or tasks is very important, and then going back over those quick notes after things have slowed down can also help. Sure, life can get crazy for anyone, and knowing how to manage it can make a big difference. For me, it is making sure that I have post-it notes available in various locations around our home has made a big difference. It means that when I have a thought or remember something that needs to get, I can quickly make a note, and then it gets back to my desk, and I can then focus on it when I have that time.
Being able to manage when times get crazy is important because knowing what works for you when life isn’t crazy sure helps. If you can use a similar method that you use when things are normal also when life gets crazy it sure does help. It doesn’t matter what method you use to manage your tasks or ideas if it works for you, that is what is important. Managing times when things get a little crazy is something that we all must do, and just knowing the various methods that work for you is important. For me, my post-it notes all around mean that I can capture my thoughts or tasks quickly, and it doesn’t impact when I am currently trying to achieve.