Since writing my CAPM exam, I have had a chance to look at things and think a lot of things through. I have found that since writing and passing the exam, I realized that I can really achieve what I put my mind to. Yes, there are going to be challenges to overcome, but at least know that you can achieve what you want in life.
Of course after finishing my exam I realized I had a one-week break before I took another course, but that was only a 4-day course, and you write the exam at the end of the last day. This time I put a lot less pressure on myself because I was feeling good throughout the course and this exam wasn't for a certification, it was just one course.
Besides all the stress release and trying to catch up with everything I had pushed aside in January, I realized that I needed a better way to organize my life. I am one of those that of course tries to do everything for everyone and then gets stressed because of everything on my plate. Now I have started to write down all the things that I need to do, and I am not feeling as stressed as I did before. I think being able to see the list instead of trying to keep it all in my head has really started to help me. Having this list also means that I can delegate some of the things when my plate gets too full, and the other person knows what is outstanding and needs attention.
My list of things that need my attention is currently a little longer than I would like it to be, but I know that if I focus on one thing at a time, the list will get shorter quickly. This next week I hope to be able to focus on a couple of things that need to be completed by the end of February and then work on the rest of the list.
Knowing that you can achieve what you put your mind to does help because it means that you aren't doubting yourself as much. I know this is how I am feeling because I now know that I achieved something I wanted and can now plow ahead and achieve other things.
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