I am one of those individuals that
sometimes needs to hide and enjoy some relaxing music to refocus and
be able to get back to everything that life has been throwing at me.
Today is one of those days when I am
sitting and listening to some of the music that helps me forget about
everything around me and regain my focus. I do like a variety of
music but when I am feeling a little lost you will hear me listening
Il Divo
The Tenors (originally named The
Canadian Tenors)
Josh Groban
Michael Buble or
John McDermott
The other thing that I have found very
useful is having a nice pair of ear-bud noise-cancelling headphones.
I have used my headphones sometimes when I just need to focus and
don't even have music playing because it cancels out a lot of the
difference sounds that are going on around me.
Everyone is different in how they can
regain their focus, and for me, it is my music. I have known
individuals that will go for a long walk to regain their focus, and
other people will exercise or just sit quiet. For me, listening to
the music and escaping all the other sounds around me has helped me
learn how to relax and how to tune out all the other things.
Whatever your escape you need to figure
it out and when life gets a little crazy you just need to do it.