Tuesday, October 22, 2024

I still miss you

There are times when no matter how long after you lost someone, you will still think of them and miss them. It has been over three years since I lost my stepfather (popsy) and there are times when it still feels like it was just yesterday. Of course, some people are going to tell you that you just need to move forward and forget, but you can’t forget. When you lose someone that was important in your life, there is always going to be a part of you that remembers them and wishes that you have that little bit more time when them.

There are days on a calendar that make it a little harder to manage the grief, or these are little sounds or images that bring back memories again about that person. Sure, you can always remember the good times that you shared with that person, but then there are those times that the hurt of losing that person seems to be a little harder. No matter what we do, there are going to be times that we will have to deal with the thought of that person not being around to share something with. It can be little, simple things or bigger joys that you wanted to share with them, but you have to manage how to share them in other ways.

Knowing that you have loved someone and have lost that person can be a challenge, but at least you know that they are always going to be there in your heart, and no one can take that away from you. Some people may not understand what you are feeling, but if you know that you are remembering that person in a way that helps you, that is what is important. That person is always going to be a part of you and yes you are going to miss them no matter what and understanding how to manage that feeling is what you must do.

Missing someone that is no longer here because they have passed away doesn’t mean that you won’t miss them. It just means that you are going to miss sharing those personal times together like you did, but you can always remember that there are in your thoughts no matter what. Sure, it’s been over three years and I do miss popsy, but I know that no matter what I have the memories that we shared when he was alive and those memories will always be in my heart.

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