Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Feeling like you are standing still

 Something that I have noticed in the last little while is how fast so many vehicles go on the highway when there isn't a lot of traffic. It can be amazing to be driving just over the signed speed limit and other vehicles are passing you as if you are standing still.

Recently during one of our drives when traffic wasn't too busy it was amazing to see how fast vehicles were going when they passed us. Yes, we were going just over the signed speed limit, but cars were passing us at least 20 – 40 km/h over what we were doing. There was even one vehicle that would have had their car impounded if they have of been caught doing the speed they were doing.

The posted speed limit is the speed that should be driven to be safe on a given stretch of road or highway. The posted speed limit isn't the minimum speed you should be going, and the idea is to see much faster you can go without having an issue.

In Ontario, if you are going between 16 and 29 km/h over the speed limit, you will get ticketed and also get 3 points added to your driving record. Going between 30 – 49 km/h over the speed limit is also a minor infraction and will get 4 points added to your driving record. Now if you are going 50 km/h or more over the speed limit this can result in the following:
•    A 7-day suspension of your driver's license
•    Impoundment of your car
•    Up to $10,000 in fines
•    Up to 2 years of suspended license
•    6 points added to your driving record
•    Possible jail time.

The fine and number of points that are added to your driving record will vary depending on which province or state you are driving in, so you have to be away of what the penalties can be if you want to see how fast you can go. In Ontario, if you get more than 15 demerit points on your driver’s license, that can result in your license getting suspended. There are a number of reasons why demerit points are given, not just speeding. Now if you receive between 6–8 points you will get a warning letter and then between 9 – 14 points a second warning letter will be sent. Now if you receive 15+ demerit points the license is suspended for 30 days. Now demerit points remain on a person's driver’s license for 2 years from the day they are issues, so you need to be away of that.

It is extremely important to be away of the laws of the road where ever you are driving because it can depend on the fine and even how many demerit points are added to your driver's license. So next time when you think it's a great idea to see how fast you can go over the limit remember if you are caught or cause an accident you may be in for a big surprise. For us, I would rather feel like we are standing still and let all of those other vehicles drive crazy because at least we know we are standing within the legal speed limit.

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