Look around and see
how many construction cranes that you see.
It is amazing how
many construction cranes you can see on many given day and you don't
have to go very far at all to see them. Out our window at home we can
currently see one crane close and then there are a few more in the
distance which we can also see.
When you drive in
downtown Toronto there seems to be construction cranes every where
that you look. Some of the cranes are for new office buildings but
most of them are for the new condominiums that are being built in the
core of the city. It is interesting to realize how many people want
to live within a walking distance to their office. In a lot of ways
it would be nice to be able to walk to work but then we are sometimes
a little too close to the office which is something that I won't
The construction
cranes that we are also seeing around Toronto are for the new transit
stations and new transit lines that are being constructed. Of
course, the construction of these new lines means that the roads are
congested but hopefully the new transit lines will improve some of
the ways of getting around the city. So many people have to drive to
get to where they are going because currently transit takes way too
long to get you to your destination.
When you are in
downtown Toronto next time look around and see all the difference
construction cranes that have appeared. I know that the last time we
were downtown I was surprised at the number of cranes that I saw. The
interesting thing about some of the new buildings that are being
built are the width of them compared to the height. The buildings
seem to be a lot narrower but higher now because of the cost of the
property. The buildings also don't have a lot of ground around them
now as they seem to be packing the buildings closer and closer
The cranes are
around the city for a reason and for some of us it means some
congestion getting around and to others it could be their new home.
Look around and see the cranes that you notice on a daily basis, are
some for transit? Hopefully these cranes will soon be gone and the
congestion will go away for a while.
Construction cranes
do mean jobs for a lot of people so that is one of the big positives.
A bit of congestion may not be so bad knowing at others have jobs.
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