Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Overcoming a fear

For most of us, we have something that we fear and don’t want to deal with. It can be height, small spaces or anything else. It can be a challenge to even think about the fear, and you need to try and figure out if you can overcome the fear.

Being able to figure out your fear and figure out if there is a way to conquer the fear is something that a lot of us would like to do. I know that I have a few fears and over the last little while I have figured out how to conquer one of my fears, and it feels good. Of course, I am not going to tell you what the fear was, but I am going to talk about how I was able to overcome it.

At first, I didn’t even want to face my fear, but after a bit of talking over it and doing some research, I figured out that I might be able to deal with my fear and overcome it. So, if you have a fear, I suggest that you talk it over with someone you trust and maybe that will help you figure out why you have the fear and possibly how to overcome it. In my case, I needed to take a course to overcome the fear, and it was through the reading for the course and the actual course that I was able to deal with it.

I know that I was lucky that I was able to face my fear and deal with it quickly because there are some fears that no matter what aren’t going to be handled that easily. I know that I am still trying to finish dealing with this fear and the course wasn’t the total solution, but it gave me the confidence that I needed to move forward. I am still dealing with bits of the fear, and I know it is going to take a bit more time, but at least I know that the biggest part of the fear has been conquered.

If you have a fear and think you might be able to conquer it, I suggest that you try. You might not be able to conquer it as quickly as I did, but at least trying is worth it. For me, I have some good support through facing my fear, and I know that is also what helped me through this.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I know that there are a lot of times that I would like to hide from the world, and then there are the times that I want to hide from myself. Maybe trying to explain both feeling is something that I need to try and do. Hiding from the world and hiding from myself are both different things, but in some ways there are similar things. All I can say is that you need to listen to the person to figure out what they are wanting and needing.

Hiding from the world

For a lot of us, there are times that we just want to hide from the world and deal with our own emotions and feelings. It is hard to try and explain some of those feelings and thoughts, but we need the time to step away and deal with the thoughts that are bouncing around in our own head. I know that for me, hiding from the world means a chance to spend some time just going through the ideas and thoughts that are in my own head and not caring what anyone else thinks about them.

Hiding from the world is simple because it means that you need the time to sit and work through everything that you are thinking without all the other distractions. Hiding from the world is basically just sitting and losing yourself and working through everything that is important to you without letting anyone or anything interfere with your thoughts or feelings.

Hiding from myself

For a lot of us there are times that we just want to hide from what is bothering us and that means hiding from ourselves. Yes, it is hard to explain what that really means, but in simple terms it means just getting a break from all the different thoughts and ideas that are bouncing around in our own head. I know that I have had times when I want to try and explain this, and the simple words are just that I want to hide for me. I start to feel very overwhelmed with everything that I want to do, and I am not sure how I can handle everything.

Hiding from yourself can be such a challenge because you aren’t able to escape from all the different thoughts and feelings that are bouncing around in my own head. I know that there are times that I would like to focus on my own feelings and figure out the journey that I am on, but other parts of me won't just get in the way. Hiding from yourself is such a journey and no matter how hard you try, it is going to be difficult to move forward.


When someone says that they want to hide from the world or hide from themselves, you need to listen to them. It might not be easy to figure out, but what they are basically saying is that they need some time to figure out what they are going through or thinking, and they don’t need the distractions from the world around them. It might be a few minutes or a few hours, but you need to understand that being able to give them that space and time is very important.

We all need some time when we can figure out what is bothering us and what is making us feel overwhelmed. Using the words hiding from yourself or hiding from the world might define what you are feeling, but then there are times that even those worlds don’t really work. We all need to know that everyone in our world need time when we can step away from everything else, and that is what is the most important.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

It all started with a party

For a lot of people, they meet the person that they end up marrying through work or school or something like that. For us, it was a party that we were both invited to. My now husband was invited by someone that he knew through work, and I was invited by a person that I took public transit with. Yes, it may sound interesting as there was really no thought by them about who they invited, it was they were showing pictures of a trip to India that they had recently taken.

For me, it was a simple walk up the street to the other person’s home, where I enjoyed the evening seeing pictures and getting to know a bunch of different people. I also got to meet this guy that came in a little later and seemed very nice. Yes, I wanted to get to know him a little better, but given everything, I didn’t do that during that night.

At the end of the night, this guy asked if he could walk me home, but the guy that invited me said no, that it was his duty to make sure that I got home safely. So there goes that chance of talking to this person without everyone else around. During the quick walk to my house, I told my friend off that he could have at least let the other guy with us.  After the event, my friend kept telling me that his guy had been asking about me but never asked if he could give this other guy my phone number, so I thought nothing of it.

Later in the spring, I invited my friend to an anniversary party for my parents because I saw and talked to this guy most days. Of course, the invitation had my phone number on it so that people could reply and let me know if they were coming or not. After my friend received this invitation, he asked if he could give this other guy my phone number and I said yes but told him to remember that I was going away on the Sunday for work and wouldn’t be back for just over a week.

I left on my trip not thinking about getting a phone call when I was away considering I had said that I would be away. I went about my business trip like normal and received a phone call on the Monday night, and I quickly figured it was someone replying to the invitation to the anniversary party. Well, that phone call wasn’t someone replying, but it was this guy that I had met over 4 months prior at the party. My friend had given him my number, but never mentioned that I was away on a business trip. I was out with friends so looked at the number and said I would call it back later, but my friends told me that I had to call that number back just to see who it was.

So as you can guess by now, I called that number back and talked to the person on the other end and found out he was the guy from the party. We talked for a few minutes, and I gave him my email address, as it was the easiest way to communicate while I was away. I ended the evening with friends and returned to my hotel room to find an email from this guy. Our communication started that week with emails back and forth, and he understood that I travelled for work and didn’t have a problem with that. After I returned from my business trip, we set a date of when we were going to go out on a first date. Now, what I can say is that first date was 23 years ago, and we have continued to go out on dates and still celebrate the anniversary of meeting and our first date. We also got married during this time, and he is my best friend and partner. I have thanked my friend for giving the other guy my phone number because I got a chance to meet my partner, and I am very happy about that.