It is always
interesting to sit back and see if how I organize all of my ideas is
actually working for me at a given time. Lately I have been trying to
figure out a better means of keeping all of my ideas with me so that
I can write whenever I want to write.
There is always a
challenge for a person with lots of ideas and that is capturing all
the thoughts and ideas as they are racing around in your head. There
have been times when I have thought of a wonderful idea but by the
time I try and capture it I can't remember what it was. Yes, that
happens to everyone so just making sure you can capture a lot of the
ideas is better than not capturing any of the ideas.
One of the methods
that I use for tracking all my thoughts and ideas is just a simple
word file that I can edit when I have the various thoughts. I also
track some of the thoughts if I cannot get to the word file on a
piece of paper or even on my mobile device. Yes, capturing the idea
as quickly as you can is the best thing to ensure that you don't get
frustrated because you keep losing all those ideas that you have. Of
course, not all the ideas are going to be the best ideas that you
have but at least writing all of them helps you figure out which ones
you are going to use and which ones will stay on the list for ages.
The ability of
capturing all the ideas is getting a lot easier now with the ability
to have a tablet with you most of the time. No, my tablet doesn't
end up in the bedroom but it normally close to me the rest of the
time so that I can capture those thoughts. I do have a notebook
beside the bed so that if I get ideas when in the bedroom I can
capture them as well.
The other thing that
you need to figure out when you are trying to capture your thoughts
is how much detail are you going to capture. I try and capture as
much detail as I can about the idea because then I will know where I
was heading with the thought instead of just a quick note and I will
have no idea what I meant. There is always the challenge that as
soon as I start writing one idea down I get a bunch more so then the
list looks really interesting as I bounce between the ideas and try
and capture all of them.
Being able to
organize the various thoughts and ideas that you have is very
important. No, you don't need to complete an entire thought as soon
as you have a spark of an idea. The spark sometimes will never get
further than that spark but at least noting it will help. The
original spark may never get further but it could result in a bunch
of other ideas that do end up resulting in something or even a bunch
of somethings. I know that I have noted an idea and it has ended up
no where but just getting that idea out resulted in a lot of clearer
Now, organizing your
ideas will change over time and it is something that you just have to
deal with. I have bounced between a number of ways of capturing all
of the ideas that I have and I am still trying to figure out what
works best for me. Your ideas are yours and you need to figure out
what works best for you. You are different than everyone else so
listen to what they suggest and maybe try it and then see what works
best for you.
a clarification; your tablet doesn't USUALLY end up in the bed room, but it does occasionally. ;)