seems that some meals in restaurants are getting bigger and bigger.
It isn't the meat that is larger it is all the carbs that seem to be
taking up more and more of the plate.
it comes to eating out it would be really nice to have more choices
when it comes to a meal in a restaurant. It would be really nice to
see choices that include and exclude the carbs and maybe offer the
double vegetable or a second vegetable instead of the carbs. I am
not one of those that likes a lot of the carbs with my meals out
other than when I have a steak and really do enjoy a baked potatoe.
Of course, a lot of people do enjoy the potatoes or fries that come
with their meal but those aren't things that I normally eat a lot of.
I would rather have a choice of a vegetable or a little lower cost
if I did without the carb.
idea would be more of the “I design meals” and you pay per item
but it would need to be cheaper than the a-la-carte costs. I am not
saying that I want a buffet as that isn't really a good option for me
with the food allergies. It would be so nice to see a menu with the
main item at a set price and then you add the vegetables or carbs
that you want and the price goes up based on the number of sides that
you choose.
other benefit of having the choices is it means that you aren't going
to be charged for substituting an item because you want a healthier
choice. I have had to pay for a substitution due to my allergies
because I can't have the french fries that come with some meals. It
isn't my choice to do without the fries but due to my shellfish
allergy I cannot have the french fries if either shrimp or calamari
are fried in the same oil.
need to start thinking about the other options to the large carbs
that are being added to the meals. Sure the plate looks really full
when you get your meal but considering I don't eat many, if any, why
do I want it on my plate. Just give me a little smaller plate and
put my vegetables on it and I will be happy.
out need to meet the needs of the customer more than they did before.
If I can't find the meals that I want while I am out I will eat more
and more meals at home. Restaurants need to figure out how to meet
the needs of the customers.
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